Research, Publications & Presentations

Research, Publications & Presentations



Schroth, E.A., Broth, M.R., & Tone, E.B (2013). Associations between maternal positive affect and mother-child reminiscing about happiness. (under review)


Anderson, S., Khojawa, M., Rosales, A., Schroth, E., & Street, J. (2010). Unique perspective on diversity experiencing intersecting roles of students in clinical training. Psychotherapy Bulletin. 10(4):8-10.


Monk, C.S., Klein, R.G., Telzer, E.H., Schroth, E.A., Mannuzza S., Moulton, J.L. III, Guardino, M., Masten, C.L., McClure, E.B., Fromm, S., Blair, R.J.R., Pine, D.S., & Ernst, M. (2008). Amygdala and nucleus accumbens activation to emotional facial expressions in adolescents at risk for major depression. American Journal of Psychiatry. 165(1): 90-98


Maheu, F.S., Merke D.P., Schroth, E.A., Keil, M.F., Hardin, J., Poeth, K., Pine, D.S., & Ernst, M. (2008). Steroid abnormalities and the developing brain: declarative memory for emotionally arousing and neutral material in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 33(2): 238-245.


Hardin, M.G., Schroth, E.A., Pine D.S., & Ernst, M. (2007). Incentive-related modulation of cognitive control in healthy, anxious, and depressed adolescents: Development and psychopathology-related differences. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 48(5): 446-454.


Jazbec, S., Hardin, M.G., Schroth, E.A., McClure, E.B., Pine, D.S., & Ernst M. (2006). Age-related influence of contingencies on a saccade task. Experimental Brain Research. 174(4): 754-762.


Munson, S., Schroth, E., & Ernst, M. (2006). The role of functional neuroimaging and pediatric brain injury. Pediatrics. 117(4): 1372-1381.


Zametkin, A., Schroth, E., & Faden, D. (2005). The role of brain imaging in the diagnosis and management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD Report. Guilford Press.






Schroth, E.A. (2010, September). Working with two in the context of one: Couples considerations in individual therapy. Clinical case presentation presented to the staff members of the Georgia State Psychology Clinic. Atlanta, Georgia


Schroth, E.A. (2009, September). Diversity considerations with transgender clients in clinical settings. Presentation presented at Georgia State Psychology Clinic. Atlanta, Georgia


Schroth, E.A. & McKee, T.E. (2004, April). Getting ready for college: How to prepare yourself for the transition. Presentation given to students with special needs at New Hartford High School. New Hartford, New York





Garn, C., Fani, N., Schroth, E.A., Nahmias, E., & Tone, E.B. (2011, April). The role of deception in assessing for social and cognitive differences in social anxiety. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Georgia Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.


Schroth, E.A., Broth, M.R., Tolleson, A.E., Sorto, P.J., & Tone, E.B. (2011, April). Exploring associations between maternal positive affect and emotion socialization behavior during mother- child conversations about happy emotions. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Georgia Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia. Poster awarded a First Place Prize by the Georgia Psychological Association Council on the Psychology of Women and Girls


Mehta, N., Schroth, E., Calamaras, M., Anderson, P., & Tone, E. (2010, March). Attentional bias to social threat: Results from a novel face feedback task. Poster presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana.


Schroth, E.A., Fani, N., Nahmias, E Compton, & Tone, E.B. (2008, November). Do social anxiety symptoms impair or facilitate performance on a theory of mind tasks? Poster presentation at the 42 Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, Florida


Fani, N., Schroth, E., Kvaran, T., Nahmias, E., & McClure-Tone, E.B. (2008, March). Social anxiety, gender, and social conflict: Patterns of response to the Prisoner's Dilemma game. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Savannah, Georiga.


Schroth, E.A., Pine, D.S., Merke, D.P., & Ernst, M. (2006, June). Facial expression recognition is altered in adolescents with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Endocrinology Society. Boston, Massachusetts.


Ernst, M., Maheu, F.S., Schroth, E.A., Hardin, J., Pine, D.S., & Merke, D.P. (2005, September). Affective and cognitive processing in adolescents with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Poster presented at the ESPE/LWPES 7th joint meeting Pediatric Endocrinology, Lyon, France.


Maheu, F.S., Merke, D.P., Schroth, E.A., Hardin, J., Pine, D.S., & Ernst, M. (2005, September).

Evidence of impaired emotion processing in Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.

Poster presented at the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology, Montreal, Canada.


Hardin, M., Jazbec, S., Schroth, E.A., Pine, D.S., & Ernst, M. (2005, May). Saccadic eye movements in adolescents with anxiety and depression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Biological Psychiatry, Atlanta, Georgia.


McKee, T.E., Fiore, D.M., Schroth, E.A., & Shin CS. (2005, April). ADHD symptomatology and peer relationships in young adults. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development (SRCD), Atlanta, Georgia.


McKee, T.E., Schroth, E.A., Fiore, D.M., & Shin C.S. (2005, April). The impact of ADHD symptomatology on college adjustment in young adults. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development (SRCD), Atlanta, Georgia.



Monk, C.S., Telzer, E.H., Schroth, E.A., Klien, R.G., Mannuzza, S., Moulton, J.L., Masten, C.L.,

             McClure, E.B., Nelson, E.E., Zarahn, E., Fromm, S., Blair, J.R., Mitchell, D.G., Pine, D.S., Ernst, M. (2005, April). Attention-related brain activation to emotional facial expressions in adolescents at risk for major depression: A parametric functional MRI study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, New York.


Schroth, E.A., Allen, R., Holzer, S., McClure, E.B., Pine, D.S., Merke, D.P., Ernst, M. (2004, September). Facial expression recognition is altered in adolescents with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Poster presented at the 8th annual scientific retreat of the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Mental Health, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.





Tolleson, A.E., Schroth, E.A., Sorto, P.J., Broth, M.R., & Tone, E.B. (2011, April). Maternal positive affect and use of positively valenced language during mother-child discussions about happiness. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Georgia Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.

  • Poster awarded a Second Place Prize for Undergraduate Research from Georgia Psychological, Association Council on the Psychology of Women and Girls.



Tolleson, A.E., Schroth, E.A., Broth, M.R., & Tone, E.B. (2011, March). Maternal positive affect and use of positive language during mother-child discussions about happiness. Poster presentation at annual meeting at Georgia State Undergraduate Research Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.


Gard, E., Schroth, E.A., Fani, E.A., & Tone, E.A. (2010, March). Does race matter? Attentional bias for emotional faces in a diverse sample of college students. Poster presentation at annual meeting at Georgia State Undergraduate Research Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.





Schroth, E.A. (2004, May) The influence of ADHD symptomatology, family relationships and coping styles on college adjustment of first year students. Hamilton College, Clinton, New York.


Schroth, E.A. (2003, December) Hemispheric dominance for memory of the location of visual stimuli,

Hamilton College, Clinton, New York.